910 medina studios, san myshuno, 12:15am

tabs: (stretches) ahh that was so fun.

carson remains silent as he kicks off his boots.

tabs: you sounded great tonight. (smiles) you really should sing more. you have a nice voice…

carson fumbles for the light switch and remains silent.

tabs: i’m surprised you and elliot didn’t do wild thoughts together. that’s fav of yours too, isn’t it?

carson remains silent

tabs: (concerned) are you ok? you’ve been quiet since we left.

carson: (measured tone) i’m fine.

tabs grabs his wrist

tabs: (uneasy) no, you’re not. just look at me and ta–

he snaps his hand back and glares at tabs

carson: (enraged) don’t fucking touch me!

tabs pulls back, stunned

carson: (aggravated) you know, i’m getting really fucking tired of –

tabs: (eyes widen) t-tired of– ?

an opportunity for complete and total transparency had presented itself. right now, carson COULD come clean about his feelings: his feelings for tabs, his feelings about elliot getting a bit too close, and his feelings about her relationship with simon. but as tabs looked up at him, patiently waiting for him to finish his thought, he realized that now is not that time.

piling on these frustrations and insecurities seemed like a selfish thing to do right before tabs left the city (author’s note: he’s correct!). having this type of conversation, right now, would make her uncomfortable situation even worse.

carson composes himself, draws a deep breath, and decides to put off THE CONVERSATION for another time. again.

carson: (sighs) tabs, i-i’m just really tired. i’ve had a long day. (quietly) if you don’t mind, i’m going to shower first.

he takes off his clothes and hurls them into his hamper. he shoots an embarrassed glance at tabs, shakes his head and quickly scurries into the bathroom.

tabs: (stunned) wow…

read from the beginning or catch up here ✂️

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