quiche and tell, arts district, 1:28pm

carson: (calmly) do you have a mirror?

tabs nods quickly and draws out a mirror (from the purses we don’t have in this goddamn game). with shaking hands, she hands him the mirror. he calmly takes it from her, inspects his eye, and lets out a ragged sigh. he hands it back to her. tabs gawks at carson, expecting him to freak out or at least express a bit of concern that his eye is filled with blood. but instead–

carson: (emotionless)  hmm…that’s embarrassing.

tabs: (panicky) does it hurt? o-oh god, s-should we go to the hospital..?

carson: (emotionless) no need. it’ll go away in a week or so. i get them quite often.

tabs: (stares in disbelief) your…eye frequently bleeds…

carson: (emotionless) subconjunctival hemorrhage. it’s just a broken blood vessel in my eye. doesn’t hurt. feels quite itchy actually. don’t worry about it. continue what you were saying?

tabs: (shaking) i-i can’t really look at you with your eye doing that. i-is everything ok? you’re really calm, calmer than normal and (panicky) it’s freaking me out. wh-what did she say?

carson: (emotionless) tabs…

carson looks at tabs’ face and realizes he should be a bit more reassuring. he takes a deep breath, softens his expression and tries to hide any worry about the inevitable shit storm to come.

carson: (smiles) everything is fine. in a few hours you’ll be on a plane to del sol, and it’ll all be ok.

tabs: (anxious) no. c-carson you don’t look fine. w-what did she say? one second you’re normal and then turn into-

carson: (strained smile) tabs…it’s nothing you need to worry about. now, let’s finish up and head to the airport.

read from the beginning or catch up here ✂️

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